Friday, March 30, 2012

TGIF: My Sweet Darling Charleston

I don't know... Here lately I've been kinda living for the weekends.  Not that I didn't always look forward to them (you know my favorite day is Sunday, right?).  But, lately I've been on a mission to make my weekends muy magical!  Sigh....  Recently the lad and I took the open roads and visited one of my now favorite cities, Charleston, SC.  Creating dreamy memories along the way.

The open road... I fancy you so.

"We rollin'... they hatin'.... patrolin'... and tryna catch me ridin' dirty"  :-)

".... That should be it.  What you eat don't make me..." -Jay-Z

Lad + Sand + Water

Sangria Icee... Changed my life
Our version of a sand castle!  I took this really seriously!  Ha!
Just the two of us... my.heart.pitterpatters.

He's a beach kid... I totally can tell already.

Do something amazing this weekend!

Sweet Kisses,

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