Monday, March 26, 2012

If the Shoe Fits!

Have you ever been in a situation, involved in a friendship/relationship (HELLO!?), or on a job that glittered on the outside but definitely wasn't gold?  For some reason or another you held on knowing the deceptive sparkle wasn't worth your bliss. Once upon a time, that was me…..

I visited Saks and spotted the very last pair of Gucci pumps.  No, they’d spotted me!  The perfect addition to my already fabulous wardrobe and ON SALE!  How could I be so lucky?  Until I realized the otherwise perfect pair was one size too small.  Gesh… right?  I tried them on anyway with the hopes that this particular pair was sized incorrectly… Nope… too small.  They pinched just enough for me to suck it up and walk out of Saks without that shoe… However, they were gorgeous…. and they’d make me more gorgeous… and they were ON SALE!  So, I got em.  And I wore em.  In spite of the throbbing sensation I got from my too little Gucci pumps, I loved them.  I really loved them.  Everyone thought my shoes were just darling.  But, they hurt… and at the end of the night I was left to nurse blisters.  My closest friends noticed a slight change in my walk and a couple mustered up the courage to approach it head on.  “Giiiirrrrl, are those shoes too small”?  You can’t get some things past some people.

I’ll never forget the day I stepped out in a crowd of people and my perfect Gucci pump ripped exposing my bandaged foot.  Can you say CALLUSED UN MANICURED TOES EVERYWHERE for everyone to see?!  There I stood.  I don’t know when I would have decided to stop wearing these shoes.  I honestly don’t.  Maybe I’d be wearing them now (pause while I ponder this scuuury thought).  Funny enough, when I searched my closet for a replacement pair I came across several pair that didn’t quite fit.  For one reason or another (great price, availability, convenience, etc.), I’d made them work.  That was it!  Without a second thought, I did whatever was necessary to rid myself of any and every shoe that didn’t fit.

Now, it wasn’t an easy process.  I couldn’t do it all on my own.  I needed SEVERAL pedicures (I could go Southern Baptist pulpit preacher right here but will refrain).  I’m walking in new shoes now.  And they fit.  They fit oh so well!

The Stylish Stranger,

P.S.  It’s important you know… There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with my Gucci Pumps… just didn’t fit me.  Simple as that.  It wasn’t right away but later I realized… I was damaging my ill fitting shoes just as much as they were damaging my feet.