Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Date Night

It's no secret... I love food! And I love trying new places even more. This weekend the Lad and I went on a very cute date. I wanted to try some place I'd never been so we hopped in the car and just started driving.... Inspite the cries of "I'm HUN-GA-REE" coming from the backseat, I managed to find Greystone Restuarant.  There was absolutely nothing fancy about Greystone.  And sometimes that's just perfect.
The sweetest date ever.
Greystone Restaurant
3039 South Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
I asked the lad, "How do I look" before we left the house.  His response: "Like a Princess"... Although his little face was void of any expression when saying it.

**If you've ever been around me for more than one day... Chances are you know my Big Red Clutch.  I'm convinced, it matches everything.  I found it at Hong Kong Vintage a couple years ago.  It changed my life.

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